Professional CV
Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Georgia
Georgia License Number: 2679
Certified Imago Therapist (more info)
Certified Credentialed Distance Counselor
Addiction and Recovery
Mindfully Based Stress Reduction, MBSR (more info)
Diatectical Behavioral Therapy (more info)
Yoga for Depression and Anxiety (more info)
Attachment Theory and Therapy with Individuals and Couples
Trauma and Dissociation
Past President, Georgia Society for Clinical Social Work, 2007-2009, 2009-2011
Past Secretary, Georgia Society for Clinical Social Work
Mentorship CoChair, CoEditor of the Clinical Page Newsletter, Georgia Society for Clinical Social Work
Member, Georgia Society for Clinical Social Work
Member, Society for the Integration of Spirituality in Social Work
Member, Georgia and Regional Imago Therapists of the Southeast
A frequent presenter at the following
• National Association of Social Worker, Georgia Chapter
• Skyland Trail Family Program
• Emory University Hospital Social Work Department
• Positive Impact
• Foundations Treatment Center
• Dr Susan Blank’s radio show: Detailing Addictions
Private Psychotherapy Practice: 1999-Present
Talbott Recovery Campus 1997-2002
Family Therapist in long term addiction treatment center. Lectured in monthly Family Workshop, organized and ran in depth codependency treatment weeks for family members, treatment planned on an interdisciplinary team daily, provided recommendations for long term aftercare planning, ran groups and workshops for patients and family members returning yearly vists, ran a long term weekly group for spouses/partners/family members of patients during treatment and post treatment.
Anchor Hospital, 1995-1996
Social Worker on locked inpatient unit treating dually diagnosed patients
Fayette Counseling Center: 1994-1995
Provided intake assessments, jail assessments, on site assessing patients at state psychiatric hospitals. Provided psychotherapy to individuals, couples and families.
Positive Impact, 1993-1994
Provided psychotherapy to individuals, couples and families impacted by HIV/AIDS. Helped connect clients to resources for mental health needs.